
All Material is sourced from UPHYCA
Himehiko no Otome | ひめひこのお泊め
🔗 Original article in Japanese | ひめひこのお泊め
📌 Framing information:
There was no easy way to translate OTOME (which means to stay over, and in UPHCYA's situation this is an extended stay), the word OTOME is left as is.

This Gyo (ritual) requires cooperation from HONPOU NO MIKO. NISHINO HIMEHIKO, one of the Three Himehiko of UPHYCA, is invited to various MIKO's homes where they will spend a calendar year. When it is your turn to host (OTOME BAN), you will receive instructions from the MIKO who hosted before you. These instructions include how to make a YORISHIRO, how to provide daily care, and how to utilize KEMONO. You will be giving these instructions to the next MIKO at the end of your cycle so it is best to pay attention.
The idea is to share and circulate the sacred presence within the community. This may be similar to the westen idea of 'hosting angels'. In ancient times in Japan, this practice is illustrated in the treatment of Koshink-ko hanging scrolls and the treatment of the Enku Buddha. In particular, Enkubutsu is said to have been used as a sled by children in the winter, and as a playmate in the river in the summer, using it as a float. It is said that if there is a space to lie down on the floor in the village, that he would utilize that space. Although this is just hypothesis, Jomon clay figurines may also have stayed at people's bedside during times of illness or childbirth.
共同体のなかで神聖な存在を共有し廻らせるという 風習は現代ではホスティングエンジェルが近いと思うが、古くは庚申講の掛け軸や円空仏の扱いに見ることができる。
Among the THREE HIMEHIKO in UPHYCA, there is a pair called NENOMOTOHAHA and TAMAWARI NO MIKO.
TAMAWARI NO MIKO, the object of worship, visits and stays at the houses of KOWAKU NO MIKO each year.
Completing the HIMEHIKO OTOME effortlessly is one part of the test to become a KOWAKU NO MIKO.
Even if a MIKO does not wish to become KOWAKU NO MIKO, the experience of inviting the newly born HIMEHIKO of the earth to her home and spending time with her as a guest is sure to be valuable for a MIKO.
This Gyo (ritual), which started in 2018, has caused several jinxes over time. You may be able to hear about this from the previous MIKO.
As a general rule, this Gyo is reserved for a HONPOU NO MIKO, but if it is unavoidable, a KOWAKU NO MIKO may take charge of OTOME (hosting).
When the MIKO in that is in charge of OTOME attends HAZAMA-KO, HIASOBI-KO or the Grand Festival, she must bring NISHI NO HIMEHIKO with her.
The MIKO in charge of OTOME must bring a HIMEHIKO YORISHIRO, an empty bowl, a HI NO UTSUWA, and a KAGAMI.
Fill the bowl with sand from the place where the meeting will be held (if it is difficult to source sand, use rice or salt; do not use your own sand), place it on HI NO UTSUWA, and place it in the center of the KAGAMI to make it the center of the gathering.

MIKO attending the Grand Festival

How NISHI NO HIMEHIKO sits. A MIKO's KAGAMI is placed under the bowl.
As the red berries grow in the area, INOKO MOGURI NO HIMEHIKO is also represented.
【Procedure for welcoming the MIKO】
When you receive the notification from the MIKO before you, begin to make a reasonable plan for hosting and make a HIMEHIKO out of paper.
Prepare an affordable bowl. You can even use a soup bowl that you use on a daily basis. In this bowl, take some sand from the MIKO's shrine and stick the paper HIMEHIKO between disposable chopsticks.
Before going to bed, leave both HIME and HIKO each an empty cup, a small bite worth of food for dinner, and water as an offering.
The next morning, offer the first water of the day into the MIZU NO UTSUWA. Take on the role of HIMEHIKO SAMA and perform the HIMEHIKO KOH NO UTA and SHIGUSA.
After that, spend time with HIMEHIKO until the calendar turns, and when the time is right, look for the next MIKO, discuss it, and decide on a date to send.
【Proceedure for the sending MIKO】
Once you have decided on the MIKO who will receive, talk to HIMEHIKO SAMA about the next MIKO by the Wednesday you send them off.
Share her name, where she lives, and what kind of MIKO she is.
When Wednesday comes, light a candle, summon your KEMONO, and place HIMEHIKO on its back.
Express your gratitude for HIMEHIKO coming to stay with you, and if you have any prayers, please share them with the HIMEHIKO.
Tell your KEMONO about the receiving MIKO's KEMONO's characteristics and send it off.
Once the HAI HI (fire service) is over, the paper HIMEHIKO is taken down, folded into a small size, and wrapped in clean paper to serve as a talisman.
After returning the sand that had been transferred to the bowl to its original location, and the former YUKARI NO SHIRO closed down, burn the origami and HANSHI, place the fire back in your HI NO UTSUWA, offer prayers to NISHI NO HIMEHIKO. When everything is finished, write down the records of your stay in the notes section of OTOME BAN.
Since it is not possible to light the HI NO UTSUWA during the OTOME period, light a candle and perform a fire offering together with the HIMEHIKO.
【How to make HIMEHIKO】

Prepare a rectangular piece of red and blue paper.

Fold in half upwards

fold in half to the left

Make a cut from the bottom near the right corner.
Leave about a finger's length at the top.
右側輪のそばに、下から切目を入れる。 上は指一本分ほど残す。

Open it with the fold facing downwards and make a diagonal cut in the top.

What it looks like opened

Fold it downwards leaving the notch for the head.

fold to the right

Make alternating cuts vertically. The number of times is appropriate depending on the size of the paper. Finally, cut off all the upper rings.


You can see offerings of fruit, water, and incense during the `NISHI NO HIMEHIKO' (old-style festival) relaxing in a MIKO's home.